Versatile Stage Devoted to Beauty and Health
This zone is inspired by images of the azure ocean and the bracing winds of the French Riviera on the Mediterranean coast and was designed around an underlying tone of white. The theme of this zone is beauty and health, and the grounds contain a pool that is used exclusively for aqua-exercise, a studio devoted to floor exercise, a beauty care salon, a restaurant, a hotel, and other luxury amenities. The richly original and diversified exercise and beauty care offered here harness hot spring power, Polynesian dancing expertise, and other elements unique to Spa Resort Hawaiians to thoroughly rejuvenate your body and mind.

Bay Stage
This pool, which is exclusively for aqua exercise, uses the spa’s chloride spring for skin enhancement effects and buoyancy. The depth may be raised up to 180 cm to accommodate specific programs. The pool employs sound, lighting, jet bubble machines, floor heating, and other cutting edge features to help realize the optimum aqua-exercise environment.

Space is provided under the stage flooring to produce cushioning effects in a structure engineered to be easy on the lower back and legs. The dome studio offers exercise programs that incorporate hula and Tahitian dancing, while accompanying studios and seminar rooms are used to provide guidance on optimum bathing methods and other support in an invigorating resort environment.

Beauty Care Salon
Facials, body treatment, and other services are provided in a totally private room. Some of the options that you can choose from include salon-style massages using natural aroma oil, traditional Hawaiian lomilomi rubs, and other oneon- one sessions by expert staff members, ranging from counseling to hands-on therapy.